Articles in scientific journals


DOIAuthor/TitleALTMETRICS the sensor-equipped autonomous surface vehicle C-Worker 4 as a tool for identifying coastal ocean acidification and changes in carbonate chemistry. S. Cryer, F. Carvalho, T. Wood, J.A. Strong, P. Brown, S. Loucaides, A. Young, R. Sanders and C. Evans (2020). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 939 processes contributing to marine hazards to inform coastal climate resilience assessments, demonstrated for the Caribbean Sea. S. Jevrejeva, L. Bricheno, J. Brown, D. Byrne, M. De Dominicis, A. Matthews, S. Rynders, H. Palamisaly and J. Wolf (2020). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2609–2626 on the submarine flanks of insular volcanoes: New insights gained from high resolution seafloor surveys. D. Casalbore, M.A. Clare, E.L. Pope, R. Quartau, A. Bosman, F.L. Chiocci, C. Romagnoli and R. Santos (2020). Sedimentology. variations in invertebrate and fish megafauna in the mid-eastern Clarion Clipperton Zone. E. Simon-Lledó, C. Pomee, A. Ahokava, J.C. Drazen, A.B. Leitner, A. Flynn, J. Parianos and D.O.B. Jones (2020). Progress in Oceanography 187, 102405. 
Eprints archive itemGuidance Note on the Application of Coastal Monitoring for Small Island Developing States. A. Becker, L. Bricheno, J. Brown and J. Wolf (2020). NOC R&C Report #74. 
Eprints archive itemGuidance Note on the Application of Coastal Modelling for Small Island Developing States.J. Wolf, A. Becker, L. Bricheno, J. Brown, D. Byrne, M. De Dominicis and B. Phillips (2020). NOC R&C Report #73.


DOIAuthor/TitleALTMETRICS Observations of the Abyssal Megafauna of Kiribati. E. Simon-Lledó, S. Thompson, A. Yool, A. Flynn, C. Pomee, J. Parianos and D.O.B. Jones (2019). Frontiers in Marine Science 6 (605). 
Eprints archive itemSt Vincent – Black Point Beach Modelling. T. Prime, J. Brown and J. Wolf (2019). NOC R&C Report #70.
Eprints archive itemDeployment of an AWAC off the East coast of St Vincent, 2018-19. J. Wolf, G. Williams and J. Ayliffe (2019). NOC R&C Report #69.
Eprints archive itemCurrent and future vulnerability of Argyle International Airport to combined river and coastal flooding. B.T. Philips, J.M. Brown, A.E. Becker and A.J. Plater (2019). NOC R&C Report #68.
Eprints archive itemDevelopment of a coastal data hub for Stakeholder access in the Caribbean Region. S. Jevrejeva, A. Matthews and J. Williams (2019). NOC R&C Report #67.
Eprints archive itemDevelopment of a regional ocean model for the Caribbean, including 3D dynamics, thermodynamics and full surface flux forcing. C. Wilson, J. Harle and S. Wakelin (2019). NOC R&C Report #65.
Eprints archive itemDevelopment of an Automatic Tide Gauge Processing System. J. Williams, A. Matthews and S. Jevrejeva (2019). NOC R&C Report #64.


DOIAuthor/TitleALTMETRICS and Cascading Triggering of Submarine Landslides and Turbidity Currents at Volcanic Islands Revealed from Integration of High Resolution Onshore and Offshore Surveys. M.A. Clare, T. Le Bas, D.M. Price, J.E. Hunt, D. Sear, M.J.B. Cartigny, A. Vellinga, W. Symons, C. Firth and S. Cronin (2018). Front. Earth Sci. 6:223.


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